Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterContact Us! Changing Lives One Spine At A Time Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness CenterGet Started

Dr. Quetta Spinal Perceptions Chiro & Wellness
2408 Wheeler St
Houston, Texas 77004
(281) 862-8787 Taking Care of You
Spinal Perceptions is a family wellness chiropractic clinic. Our practice members range from 0-100+ years of age. We are on the frontier of wellness and preventative healthcare. Our office utilizes a holistic approach to your health by identifying the physical, chemical and emotional triggers that are causing the body to decrease in health and function.
The mission of Spinal Perceptions Chiropractic and Wellness Center is to provide a health care environment conducive to patient education, empowerment and an emphasis on preventative and wellness care. We want you to have a lifetime of good health.
We are located at 2408 Wheeler Ave in Houston, TX minutes from Downtown Houston and the Texas Medical Center. We offer chiropractic care and nutritional support for adults and children. Our affordable wellness plans will keep you performing at your highest level for years to come. We encourage you to stop in today to see how we can change your life.
The Care You Deserve
On your first visit you will complete the new patient paperwork. A consultation will be conducted to determine what needs you think our office can assist you with. An evaluation will be completed. This evaluation may include a detailed history, exam and x-rays.
The doctor will then review the exam findings and consultation information to determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic care. On your follow up visit, a review of your initial exam findings and x-rays will be reviewed and your first chiropractic corrective adjustment will be given. The chiropractic adjustment is a specific chiropractic procedure used to eliminate or reduce a subluxation, thereby restoring normal neural transmission to the involved area and assisting the body’s natural ability to achieve maximum health. The doctor will then review a care plan with you to best adhere to your needs and health goals.
Your health is a priority to us. You can expect a thorough new patient process in a warm and caring environment.

Prenatal Chiropractors work with the body’s ability to adapt and function the way it is designed to. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is vital to the normal physiologic function of both the mother and baby in pregnancy and birth. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of subluxation and/or sacroilliac dysfunction. During pregnancy, sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor. Dystocia is caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction and baby mal-presentation. Often times after multiple births, pelvic imbalances can exist and cause additional discomfort throughout subsequent pregnancies. Without correction of a subluxation, problems can persist long after the delivery.
Chiropractic care for children is an essential part of their wellness. Starting as early as infancy can improve their overall health. A study conducted examined babies five days after birth concluded unhealthy spines causes many clinical features from central motor impairment, lower resistance, infections particularly ear, nose and throat (Manuelle Medizin 1987). Chiropractors specializing in children use very specific, gentle techniques to care for children. Although children with diseases are often brought to the chiropractor, the chiropractor is not treating their diseases but is instead freeing them of spinal nerve stress, thus permitting their body’s natural healing potential to function at its best. Stress on the spine starts early due to the birthing process. By the time a child is 13, they would have had over 1000 occurrences of spinal trauma due to falls, playing and injuries. Children are as susceptible to various activities and events. These microtraumas can subluxate the vertebrae of the spine, placing pressure on their spinal nerves and therefore decreasing their bodies’ ability to function normally. Although symptoms, such as pain and malfunction may not show up for years, injury to their vital nervous system can have a lifetime of damaging effects.
Changing Lives One Spine At A Time personal injury
A select percentage of our practice is dedicated to personal injury members. When a physical trauma has occurred, damage to the muscles, ligaments, vertebra and surrounding tissues will result creating subluxations. Vertebral subluxations will alter function, reduce proper biomechanics, reduce health and wellness and create degeneration.
Our office is able to provide a non-surgical, non-medicinal approach to these injuries. Give your body an opportunity to facilitate healing on its own. Not addressing the underlying injury can cause residual effects on the body down the line. We are here to help.
Your Family chiropractor
Dr. Marquetta Giles DC is a Texas Board Certified Chiropractor from Houston, Texas. She completed her undergraduate studies at Sam Houston State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree. She completed her Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Texas Chiropractic College. Dr. Giles is a family wellness chiropractor with an emphasis in spinal correction and prenatal. She is one of 3% of chiropractors who emphasize a spinal correction care plan. She is a firm believer that anything worth having, is worth working hard for including your health. True wellness and preventative care is a everyday process, not a reaction during a health crisis. With specific chiropractic adjustments, proper nutrition and exercise, the body can maintain a state of optimal function free of medications and surgeries. As an intern, Dr. Giles completed her rotation hours at the Veteran’s Affairs Hospital in the Department of Rheumatology, Rice University Athletics and a high volume Family Wellness Clinic. She has completed post graduate training in Atlanta, Georgia, Dallas, Texas and Florida. It was during her intern training that Dr. Giles understood the necessity of providing a model of healthcare that focused on addressing the cause of decreased health and not just the symptoms. Our office encompasses a wellness model of healthcare. This model focuses on whether you are symptomatic or not, there are steps that can be taken each day to support the body’s natural ability to function and heal on its own.
Dr. Giles' passion for family wellness prompted her to enroll in the prenatal and pediatric certification program to better serve her practice members. She is certified in the Webster Technique, a specific adjustment to balance sacropelvic subluxations common in prenatal patients. As a woman's body changes to accommodate her growing baby, vertebral subluxations increase and cause discomfort and changes in the woman's body. We are able to assist with removing the subluxations and helping the mom's body function better. Our pediatric practice members are dear to Dr. Giles. As it is during the vital developmental years that chiropractic care has been very beneficial. Children with cerebral palsy, spinal injuries, behavioral needs and those wanting an overall increase in wellness have been seen by her.
Dr. Giles has completed postgraduate studies in prenatal chiropractic care and is completing her pediatric certification through the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association. She is an advocate for healthy living and is committed to the well-being of her patients. She is a member of the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association and The American Pregnancy Association.

Hours of Operation
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
2:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
9:00 PM - 11:00 AM