15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

15 years of billing experience in Physician BillingRevenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!Revenue MedXJacinda LahrmannFree Consultation

Revenue MedX
Houston , Texas 77073
281-982-3355 We would love to meet with you!
We are a medical billing specialist company that has been in business since 2016 and we are based out of Houston, Texas. Revenue MedX was designed to perform great medical billing for your unique company needs. We are here to assist with your cash flow, lower overhead cost, submit accurate/clean claims and reduce stress related claims issues. Revenue MedX, CEO Jacinda Lahrmann designed the company to cater to your medical billing needs and to produce revenue for your company.
We offer a complete medical billing solution that reduces the stress of having to deal with insurance companies; which will allows you to concentrate on more pressing issues, such as patient care.
Our goal is to make sure your company brings in the revenue that you work hard for, and to develop a long lasting relationship; one that is healthy and prosperous for your company and for Revenue X.
Why Revenue MedX?
15 years of billing experience in Physician Billing: Behavioral Health, Anesthesia, Radiology, and General Practices.
- Specializing in keeping the denial rates down!
- Expert collections services
- Revenue recovery services
- Keeping A/R’s current
- Submit clean claims
- Custom fit your companies needs
Why should you trust my medical billing to Revenue MedX?
We are a company who is driven for success. We are here to be an asset to your company! The founder of Revenue MedX has been providing medical billing since 1999. She has worked with a variety of medical specialty services. What we can offer your company
We offer a complete medical billing solution that reduces the stress of having to deal with insurance companies; which will allow you to concentrate on more pressing issues such as patient care.
- Coding
- Appeals
- Data Entry
- Electronic Filing
- Patient Contact
- Payment Posting
- Customer Service
- Insurance Verification
- Accept Patient Payments
- Fax or Mail Medical Records
- Accounts Receivable/Follow Up
- Correspondence from patients and insurance companies
Who do we bill for?
We are equipped to perform medical billing for any service with a specialty in Physicians groups, Anesthesia, Radiology, Hospitals, and Behavioral.
Frequently Asked Questions
Startup cost?
There is no startup cost or out of pocket expenses.
What are the terms of your medical billing company and Revenue MedX?
Every client enters into a 2-year contractual relationship.
How do you get paid?
Our compensation is based on percentage of collections, Revenue MedX does not get paid if you do not get paid. However, if the client prefers per encounter fee, we can accommodate your company. Our Guarantee
Purchase NowWe guarantee there are no hidden fees. Our quoted fee is guaranteed throughout your contract. 34506