The Houston Black Pages Admin
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Please join State Representative Shawn Thierry from District 146 and fellow active members of our community for Hot Pancakes (with a side of good politics). The event will be held at Luby’s Restaurant on 1727 Old Spanish Trail, in Houston, Texas on December 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. -
11:00 a.m.
Post Hurricane Harvey issues will be discussed such as plans for those affected by Harvey and collecting data to put together schools flooded and which ones were used as shelters to create an effective strategies for the future. We will also chat around the table about legislative bills and agenda items for the next legislative session and learn how to get involved with the plans for our schools, seniors, neighborhood beautification and safety projects.
Representative Shawn Thierry stated, “As we reflect upon the impact of Hurricane Harvey and the strength of our city, I believe it is more important than ever for us to come together with a united purpose. I'm excited to fellowship and plan with my constituents and other community leaders at my holiday pancake breakfast. Now is the time to plan for the 86th Legislative Session by brainstorming how we can best help our community. I will continue to advance the needs of House District 146 and believe we have a lot to look forward to in 2018.”
Anyone in District 146 is encouraged to come for the last Holiday Breakfast before Santa arrives in town!
The breakfast is sponsored by Poindexter Dental, Inc., who has been serving Sunnyside area residents for over 60 years and became a historically protected landmark in the city of Houston on September 23, 2015. Along with providing healthy smiles, Dr. Zeb F. Poindexter, III has committed tireless efforts in raising awareness in the community by supporting the schools, seniors and children in the Houston area.