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Pancakes and Politics: The Transformation of District 146 Post Hurricane Harvey
Please join State Representative Shawn Thierry from District 146 and fellow active members of our community for Hot Pancakes (with a side of good politics). The event will be held at Luby’s Restaurant on 1727 Old Spanish Trail, in Houston, Texas on December 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
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TheHoustonBlackPages.com is a premier online directory promoting African American businesses, Houston events, and resources around the Greater Houston and surrounding area. TheHoustonBlackPages.com offers African Americans professional networking support and business support.
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Yearly Events


Martin Luther King Jr. Grande Parade
This annual parade celebrating the civil rights leader marches through theheart of Houston and draws more than 300,000 supporters from around thenation.  (713) 953-1633.  

Chevron Houston Marathon
This annual 26.2, 13.1 and 3.1 mile run, which begins and ends at Downtown’sGeorge R. Brown Convention Center, has steadily grown to attract more than20,000 entrants from around the world and 200,000 spectators.  (713)957-3453. 


Mardi Gras Galveston,
Mardi Gras was publicly observed on Galveston Island as early as 1867 but wasdiscontinued during World War II. The Island’s celebration was resurrectedin 1985 and since then has become one of the most popular events along theTexas Gulf Coast.  (888) 425-4753.

World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest,
The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest is three days of cooking,competition, eating and dancing. The sweet aroma drifts over the Houstonmetropolis, drawing crowds like bees to honey. Trophies are awarded to teamspreparing the best dish in each category (brisket, chicken, pork and spareribs) as well as an overall winner. (832) 667-1000. 


Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™

Rodeo time has been a tradition in Houston since 1932, and thethree-week extravaganza at Reliant Park continues to consume the city everyspring. The kickoff for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ is the RodeoParade, after trail riders ride into town and set up camp in MemorialPark.  All 20 championship rodeo competitions are concluded withentertainment by music superstars.  (832) 667-1000.

Azalea Trail

One of the surest signs of spring in Houston is the annual AzaleaTrail. Houstonians and visitors view the spectacular gardens at Bayou Bend andRienzi and visit River Oaks' exquisite private homes and admire theirbreathtaking gardens. (713) 523-2483.

Buffalo Bayou Regatta

The Buffalo BayouRegatta is the largest canoe and kayak race in Texas. Close to 200 vessels areexpected to hit the waters in downtown Houston. (713) 752-0314.   

Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park

The Bayou City Art Festival at Memorial Park kicks off spring asHouston’s premier outdoor fine arts event. More than 300 national artistsworking in 19 artistic media are juried and invited to show and sell theiroriginal art at this event.  (713) 521-0133.

Shell Houston Open

Played at Redstone Golf Club’s Tournament Course, 156 of theworld’s best golfers compete in the Shell Houston Open in pursuit of the $5million-plus purse. The Houston Golf Association has been conducting PGA Tourevents since 1946, making Houston’s tournament the 10th oldest.  (281)454-7000


Houston Children's Festival

Houston's official family celebration is held annually in downtownHouston. Benefiting Child Advocates, Inc., the event offers a dazzlingsmorgasbord of exciting activities, including six entertainment stages, morethan 350 games and 10 family adventure areas. (281) 363-0900.

Japan Festival

This annual event in Hermann Park's beautiful Japanese Gardendraws more than 20,000 people. The Japan Festival celebrates the rich culturalheritage of Japan with two stages showcasing music, traditional and folk dance andmartial arts, as well as demonstrations of Ikebana flower arrangement, teaceremony, origami and bonsai. (713) 963-0121.

WorldFest: Houston International Film Festival
WorldFest brings a blend of feature films, shorts, screenplays, TV commercials,music videos and documentaries to viewers throughout the area.  Founded in1968, past winners include Steven Spielberg, Oliver Stone, George Lucas andDavid Lynch—all early in their careers.  (713) 965-9955.

Houston International Festival
More than one million people attend this annual multicultural celebration.Downtown will be filled with ethnic food booths, arts and crafts, kiosks,interesting exhibits and 1,800 various performers. (713) 654-8808.



13th Houston Dragon Boat Festival

The Texas Dragon Boat Association, in collaboration with BuffaloBayou Partnership, presents its 12th Annual Houston Dragon Boat Festival. Thefestival will showcase 30 teams competing along the banks of Buffalo Bayou atAllen's Landing, and will feature Asian cuisine, music, arts and crafts, andcultural performances for the whole family. (281) 381-7154.

Art Car Parade

More than 250,000 spectators line downtown’s streets to view thisparade, which showcases Houston’s most outlandish folk art creations on wheels.The Fruit Mobile, a 1967 Ford station wagon, started the craze in 1986. Truly asight to see, the parade is produced by the Orange Show Center for VisionaryArt. (713) 926-6368.

Pasadena Strawberry Festival
A barbecue cook-off, a beauty pageant, arts and crafts, live entertainment,teen battle of the bands and the world's largest strawberry shortcake are allpart of the Pasadena Strawberry Festival. (281) 991-9500.



Caribbean Heritage Month Festival
The Caribbean Heritage Month Festival occurs the first Saturday of everyJune.  Those in attendance enjoy the great Caribbean Heritage celebration,complete with fabulous native music, exuberant cultural dancing and deliciousauthentic foods. Come out and enjoy various groups representing many nations ofthe Caribbean, Latin and Spanish Caribbean nations as took part in thefestival, some adorned in their native, bright, colorful, cultural heritagecustoms.

Juneteenth Celebration

Juneteenth is a celebration of June 19, the day Texas learned ofPresident Abraham Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation freeingall slaves. The event at Miller Outdoor Theatre in Hermann Park includes blues,gospel and jazz performers and a variety of smaller events aimed at raisingawareness of African-American heritage.  (713) 533-3276. 

Pride Houston

The largest Gay,Lesbian, Bisexual and Transsexual event in the Southwest takes place each yearduring the Houston Pride Parade where 1,000 participants entertain 150,000spectators with an empowering blend of light, color and sound with beautifulfloats, costumes and performances. (713) 529-6979.


Freedom Over Texas Festival

Houston’s official July 4th celebration takes place in EleanorTinsley Park at Buffalo Bayou and features live entertainment, food booths anda world-famous fireworks display.  (713) 247-3500.

Star Spangled Salute

The Houston Symphony continues its annual celebration at HermannPark's Miller Outdoor Theatre. Festivities include fireworks accompanied by adramatic 16-cannon salute. (713) 533-3276.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus 

The Greatest Show on Earth is back every summer with a brand new show. Master clown Bello and his hilarious antics, plus Asian elephants, acrobats,Arabian horses and much more will delight audiences at Reliant Stadium. (832)667-1400.

Presented by the Houston Art Dealers Association, this is an evening artwalkwith the participation of more than 30 art galleries.  (713) 522-9116.


Houston Shakespeare Festival

 (Aug. 2-11, 2013) 
A tribute to the famous playwright, the festival attracts more than 475,000people to its free performances at Miller Outdoor Theatre throughout the month.(713) 743-2929.

Houston International Jazz Festival, (Aug. 2-4, 2013)
Big names in jazz convene in downtown Houston for some of the hottest music ofthe summer.  (713) 839-7000.

Theater District Day, (TBD)
Enjoy backstage tours, ongoing live performances, set and costume displays andsneak previews of the upcoming seasons. The Theater District is home to eightperforming arts organizations, which offer this free look behind the sceneseach summer. (713) 658-8938.


Fiestas Patrias, (Sept.14-15, 2013)
One of the largest and most colorful community-sponsored parades in theSouthwest celebrates Mexico’s independence from Spain. Colorfully clad dancersfrom area ballet folklorico troupes spin down the streets performing to festiveMexican music. The celebration culminates with the crowning of Miss FiestasPatrias.  (713) 926-2636.

RE/MAX Ballunar Liftoff Festival, (TBD)
Take part in the 19th anniversary of this mega ballooning event near JohnsonSpace Center involves a weekend of hot air ballooning, arts and crafts, liveentertainment, sky-diving exhibitions and food. (281) 488-7676.



Air and Boating Attractions

The 8th Annual Gulf Coast Dragon BoatRegatta (texasdragonboat.com) is open to both amateurs and experienced teams.This annual boat race takes place on Brooks Lake in Sugar Land. Clear LakeRacing Association (clearlakeracing.com) promotes Wednesday night sailboatraces throughout the month of October. The races take place on Clear Lake andfeature professional and amateur sailors. Seabrook's Lakewood Yacht Club hoststhe 25th Annual Harvest Moon Regatta (harvestmoonregatta.com) in mid-October.Yacht races begin at Galveston's Flagship Hotel Pier and sail as far as PortAransas. Near the end of October, NASA hosts the annual Ballunar LiftoffFestival (ballunarfestival.com) at the Johnson Space Center. In addition to thehot-air balloon competition, visitors can experience skydiving exhibitions,arts and crafts, food vendors and a number of rides and exhibits at the180,000-square-foot complex.

TexasRenaissance Festival, (Oct.12 - Dec. 1, 2013)
Starting in October and continuing for eight themed weekends in Plantersville,the Texas Renaissance Festival recreates an English village of the 16thcentury. Magicians, jugglers, minstrels, troubadours and comedians perform onsix stages. (281) 356-2178.

The Original Greek Festival, (TBD)
Celebrate the 45th Annual Houston Greek Festival on the grounds of theAnnunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Authentic Greek food, wine, dancing andartifacts are fun for the entire family.  (713) 526-5377.

Bayou City Art Festival Downtown, (TBD)
The fine juried art show in downtown’s Hermann Square and Tranquility Park, spansseveral blocks filled with paintings, sculptures, jewelry and music, plus greatfood, wine cafes, beer taverns and a kids zone.  (713) 521-0133.

AnnualTurkish Festival, (Oct. 12-13,2013)
Celebrate the Annual Turkish Festival at Jones Plaza downtown. Sample authenticTurkish food, wine, coffee, dancing and fun for the entire family.

FestaItaliana, (Oct. 10-13,2013) 
Houston’s Annual Italian Festival on the campus of St. Thomas Universityfeatures authentic Italian food, wine, music, dancing, arts and crafts andentertainment for all ages. (713) 524-422.

WingsOver Houston Airshow, (Oct.26-27, 2013)
This airshow takes off and lands at Houston’s Ellington Field.  The U.S.Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy’s Blue Angels have wowed onlookers in pastyears with aerial acrobatics, while aircraft from current Air Force and Navyinventories is on display. (713) 266-4492.

TexianMarket Days, (Oct. 26, 2013)
At the George Ranch Historical Park, more than 200 costumed interpreters bringto life all that is Texas, complete with children’s activities, an antiquetractor show and a parade.  Guests can indulge in a one-of-a-kindcelebration of our great state’s history. (281) 343-0218.

Day of the Dead Festival, (TBD)
Dia de los Muertos is a traditional holiday that honors and celebrates thelives of family and friends who have died. The event includes traditionalcelebrations and Dia de los Muertos arts and crafts.  (713) 802-9370.

InternationalQuilt Festival, (Oct. 31-Nov.3, 2013)
More than 1,000 antique and contemporary quilts, original cloth dolls andwearable art are on display at the George R. Brown Convention Center.There are hundreds of booths to shop for quilts, supplies and crafts, as wellas classes from beginner to expert levels. (713) 781-6864.


TheNutcracker Market, (Nov. 7-10,2013)
Houston Ballet Guild’s Nutcracker Market has become an annual tradition to kickoff the holiday season. This shopping extravaganza, held at Reliant Center,features holiday decorations, food, clothing, jewelry and even furniture. (713) 535-3231.

TexasChampionship Native American Pow Wow, (Nov. 9-10, 2013)
More than 100 Native Americans from across the U.S. compete in two days oftraditional singing and dancing. Indian food, a teepee village, demonstrations,story telling and education exhibits are all a part of this event. More than125 booths contain authentic Native American arts and crafts.  (281)890-5500.

Festivalof Lights, (Nov. 16, 2013- Jan. 4, 2014)
The holiday magic glistens at the Annual Moody Gardens Festival of Lights withmore than a million lights and dozens of festive scenes. It's a winterwonderland with holiday shopping, pictures with Santa, a gingerbread house andthe area's only outdoor ice rink.  (800) 582-4673.

Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, (TBD)
Established nearly 20 years ago, this event at the Rothko Chapel is free andopen to the general public with representatives from ten participatingreligions. (713) 524-9839.

AChristmas Carol—A Ghost Story of Christmas, (Nov. 15-Dec. 29, 2013)
The Alley Theatre’s amusing and musical rendition of A Christmas Carol - AGhost Story of Christmas revisits the meaning of Christmas with EbenezerScrooge and classic characters like Tiny Tim as Scrooge embarks on a wildnighttime journey through re-imagined scenic designs, spectacular costumes andoriginal music. 713-228-9341.

UptownHoliday Lighting, (Nov.28, 2013)
On Thanksgiving evening, thousands of Houstonians and out-of-town guests gatheralong Post Oak Boulevard for the annual Uptown Holiday Lighting.  Thisfun-filled family event kicks off the holiday season with more than ahalf-million twinkling lights, a sparkling electric light parade, an excitingholiday stage show and a special appearance by Santa Claus.  An incredibleexplosion of fireworks lights up the Houston skies and music fills the airduring the dramatic finale.  (713) 621-2011.

TheNutcracker, (Nov. 29-Dec.29, 2013)
Houston Ballet’s timeless and dreamy production of the classic holiday tale TheNutcracker joins Clara as she marvels at the Christmas tree, flying cooks, theSugar Plum Fairy and Prince dancing, and her unforgettable journey in theKingdom of Sweets – a place children will dream about for years to come. (713)227-2787.

Zoo Lights, (TBD)
TXU Energy Presents Zoo Lights at the Houston Zoo will transform the Zoo withmore than 300,000 LED lights illuminating more than 50 animal-themed lightdisplays, 15 miles of tree lighting, and seasonal songs and stories. Sip hotchocolate as you stroll through the Zoo and take in all the awe-inspiringsights, including whimsical colorful projections over 15 feet tall, life-sizelighted animal sculptures and “Holly Berry,” a 1958 Cadillac featuring vibrantlights choreographed to joyful music.

The Mayor's Official Downtown Houston Holiday Celebration, (TBD) 
The Mayor kicks off the holiday season with a celebration featuring fireworks,entertainment and choirs. The event culminates with the lighting of the treeoutside City Hall. 832-393-0868.


Dickenson the Strand, (Dec.7-8, 2013) 
What started more than 20 years ago as a potluck supper has blossomed into oneof Galveston Island’s most famous annual events.  Costumed characters,unique vendors, glittering parades and continuous entertainment make thiscelebration the best of times.  (409) 765-7834.

Annual Candlelight Tour in the Park, (TBD)
The historic homes clustered in downtown’s Sam Houston Park open their doorsfor the Heritage Society’s Annual Holiday Candlelight Tour in the Park.Centuries-old seasonal decorations and costumed carolers take revelers back intime to celebrate the season. (713) 655-1912

Fiesta Guadalupana, (TBD)

MECA’s annual celebration for the Feat of Our Lady of Guadalupe isbased on a tradition that dates back to the 16th century in Mexico. Millions ofHispanics throughout the nation and the Americas gather on this day to honor LaVirgen de Guadalupe. (713) 802-9370.

<March 2025>

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